Friday, August 8, 2008


I would love to hear about what are the best qualities of a blog? We are looking at putting a parent blog and a student blog on our university website and I want to know what aspects we should definitely include. I am a new to blogging and realize you get out of it what you put into it - right? I think blogs are FAB and would love to learn more about them (what makes them FAB and what could make them fail). Anybody out there want to advise me.......

Have a FABulous day!


El Shaddai Ranch said...

My favorite blogs are ones that have a consistent theme (cooking, traveling, parenting, etc.), and ones that are easy to navigate, and ones that have simple links. All the blinky, cluttered links are distracting and I tend to steer clear from those blogs.

The best part of a blog, IMO, is the Comments section. Sometimes those threads are more enlightening than the article itself.

Cat said...

Thanks Kristin - I can also see where it can take tons of time. I started thinking I could do it quick everyday and then I would start reading other people's blogs and before I knew it, it had been 30 minutes or longer..yikes.

Paige said...

I think the most important thing is consistently updating--if you do not update daily or close to it, you lose a big group of readers who will drop you from their lineup---and that kind of defeats the purpose.

Now being like me, with 5 posts a day is a litte neurotic- but what do you expect