Friday, January 23, 2009

Am I really connected.....

Ok - so I have been spending more time on facebook these days connecting with old friends, sharing photos, etc. I am actually overwhelmed with the amount of options we have to connect these days. I just counted about 12 applications we need to add to our website to make it easier for people to share information (Digg, Newsvine, Yahoo, Furl, Stumbleupon, Fark, Ma.gnolia, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter,, Reddit, Technorati, and I am sure there are more). WOW.....
So...I am driving along in my giant suburban (which I LOVE for the space & kid friendly build and HATE for the amount of gas it takes to run) and I take a moment to look around and this is what I see...

Blackberry in my lap
Satellite radio
GPS system
Laptop on the seat next to me
DVD player in the back seat
2 PSPs ("portable play stations" in case there are those of you out there who don't have kids)
I Pod Nano in the front seat
I pod shuffle in my bag
10 year old cell phone - yes, we are crazy and bought our 10 year old a cell phone and oddly enough - I am feeling pretty good about (gotta love texting)
...and the Leapster that Caroline is pounding on (not sure she even knows what games are - she just likes to hear the music and pound on the buttons) this crazy. I think when I was 10, we had one walkman that my sisters and I shared. it smart? I mean, all of these gadgets are so cool and can provide such assistance during the day for both our personal and professional lives.

So, are we really connected? Your thoughts???