Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fab - Old Kentucky Home

Weep no more my lady....oh weep no more today...we will sing one song for my old Kentucky old Kentucky home far away! Love it! Fabulous song that is sung at the Kentucky Derby every year. Now, I am not a "born in Kentucky" girl (grew up in Southern Illinois) but I have lived in Kentucky since 1996 (not including my four years at Murray State prior from 1990 - 1994) but that I also love watching the crowd sing it. Most people shown on TV singing it are reading the jumbo screen and don't have a connection with it until the Derby. Those people make me laugh....

We sing it every week in Rotary in Murray and I just love it. So.......what is FAB about it? I guess the words and music make me feel like where ever life takes you - Kentucky is a place to call "home" - a beautiful State with rolling hills and pretty horses - a calm State - a State filled with tradition and class. I don't is just Fabulous! Your thoughts.....

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fabulous Mother's Day

Again...I am falling behind on my blogging efforts here but wanted to say a few words about what is so fabulous about mothers. Being a mother myself I could really get emotional and sappy - but I won't! I believe Caroline (my 5 year old) says it best in this song (this song was actually written by one of the Professors at Murray State, who is also a member of our church - Dr. Tom Lough). The kids will be singing it on Sunday at First Methodist. So precious and straight and to the point - Mother...Gift From God...sent from heaven above!